For all you love birds out there who want to take your poetic ramblings to the next level in the romantic Spanish lengua, or you just want a good laugh!, enjoy these Piropos! (By definition, a piropo is a friendly Spanish compliment, flattery or a flirtatious remark. Also seen as street poetry that men say as a beautiful lady passes.)
Quisiera ser tus lágrimas para nacer en tus ojos, recorrer tu cara y morir en tu boca.
Quisiera ser tus lágrimas para nacer en tus ojos, recorrer tu cara y morir en tu boca.
I would like to be a tear to be born in your eyes, to run down your face and die in your mouth.
No importa ser esclavo si fueras mi dueña.
It wouldn’t matter to be a slave, as long as you were my master.
Tantos años de ser jardinero y nunca había visto una flor más hermoso que tú.
All these years working as a gardener and I have never seen a flower more beautiful than you.
Bienadventurados los borrachos, porque ellos te verán dos veces.
Drunks are lucky since they see you twice.
No camines al sol, que te vas a derretir.
No camines al sol, que te vas a derretir.
Don’t walk under the sun or you will melt like a piece of candy.
Si tu cuerpo fuera carcel y tus brazos cadenas, sería un bonito sitio para cumplir mi condena.
Si tu cuerpo fuera carcel y tus brazos cadenas, sería un bonito sitio para cumplir mi condena.
If your body was a jail and your arms chains, it would be nice to serve time in jail.
Vos con esas curves y yo sin frenos!
Vos con esas curves y yo sin frenos!
You with curves and me without brakes!