Sunday, November 30, 2008

I ran into Mercy

A Journal Entry 11/19/08

"I ran into Mercy today. Literally. Her name is Mercy [Andrews] and she's an OB nurse at the hospital I'm currently assigned to. She's from India and has been a nurse for many years. I wasn't co-assigned to her, but interacted with her all morning as I wandered around trying to find clean linens, alcohol swabs, ice machines, lg BP cuffs, and the like, whilst trying to care for my two post-partum (aka: just had babies yesterday!) patients. She helped me find the bathroom using her codes and I guess had been observing me all morning.

Near the end of my shift, I was helping a nurse get ginger ale for a patient - and Mercy was in my way. Literally. So I playfully "attacked" her seeking her help finding this allusive ginger ale. After pointing to a nearby cabinet, she added "there's something about you. You're going to be good." Not quite sure what she was referring to, she continued. "I've done this for 26 years. I've seen all kinds [of people]. And you'll be good," she stated, wagging her finger. "Keep going and working hard, but don't worry, you've got it."

It? How did she know? How did she know about the deep questions in my heart that sincerely question whether or not I'll be a good nurse? How did she know my frustration that creeps in, leading me to believe that no matter how hard I work, it seems I'll never be good enough. how did she know that I question whether or not I can do this? Be a good friend? A good daughter? Sure. I can do those. But a good nurse?

I was so touched that I went over and gave her a hug and a thanks. She smiled and laughed. What's this "something about you"? It's joy. It's love. Pure love that is quick to serve, love, help & forgive. It's so rare to see in the medical world in its purest form. It's Jesus. The manifestation of His spirit. And Mercy saw it. And affirmed me in it. And I'm thankful. Thankful that Jesus chooses to use screw-ups like me to spread his love, joy, and healing around in this world.

It truly is a mystical happenstance to have someting so pure flow through a vessel so broken and messed up and unpure. I suppose the scientific mind would not be so easily pleased with this explaination, unless they suppose that as a pure substance flows through the cracked and maimed vessel, it repairs, heals, and rejuvinates (or renews) it as it goes. Supposing this pure substance is potent and powerful enough to do so, and in turn, purify the once maimed vessel. I cherish the fact that the God I worship loves to rejuvinate and heal His broken vessels... on the way to healing and rejuvinating broken vessels.

I'm thankful for Mercy. Who brought healing words from my Maker to my heart."

Saturday, October 25, 2008

9 days left!

Amidst all the diversity of opinions and possible outcomes of our country, its moments like these that me glad to be a part of this country! enjoy!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


how easy is it to let an entire season go by without stopping for a minute, to pick up and hold one leaf, take a deep breath of cool, crisp air that swirls in your lungs, or notice that the bugs that used to swarm you in the sunny summer months are no longer to be found? have you seen the leaves i mean? the ones that have the green in the middle, but red, orange, and yellow around the tips? spotted with brown and so beautifully natural? holes cut in them from every kind of bug. i love it. i love fall.

i love the craziness. when i sit in class and learn about deep vein thrombsis, i'm facinated. i'm fascinated by the human body. by all the little capillaries and the large arteries that pump blood through our body every second of every minute of every day. i'm amazed at how our kidneys work. that my body has its own self-cleaning system. that if a few things are off keel, how detrimental it could be for me. possibly for the rest of my life. i'm amazed at how fragile life is. i'm amazed at how many people dont care and abuse their bodies thru passivity. i love learning about such things and hunger to study more. i love my coffee in the middle of seminar as i wade through an ocean of medical jargon, concepts, and realizations.

i love the country that i live in. i love that i have a valid voice as a single young woman. i love that i have the freedom to dream up my future. i love that i know Jesus Christ. i love that i have a car, with insurance, and money for gas, even if the heater takes a while to kick in. i love that i live with one of my best friends, and not only do we respect each other, we enjoy each other. i'm thankful that i've been given so much. an education. job security. a loving family. all these things are a luxury in this world. i am very rich indeed, even though i have very little money.

theres something amazing about perspective. it can take you from your crabbiest, angriest, selfish, and ungrateful mood, through the avenue of thankfulness, and completely bring you to a place of humility, gratefulness, generosity, graciousness, kindness and joy. its the way of Jesus.

tonight some friends and i met to talk about life and God. we talked about many things including this topic of perspective. it amazed me how a person can be single for so many years, craving to have sexual intimacy with another person, and then after they're wed, they realize its not what they thought it would be. disappoinment. struggle. or even better, for the one who is still currently single with the desire for physical intimacy but knows its not going to be as good as he or she dreams. a different perspective follows suite. one that does not rely so heavily on physical measurements, but on character and soul elements. those things that will last forever.

i commented about desiring to simplify my life. even to the possibility of living in a mobile home if i never get married (although i certainly hope i do). but think about it. assuming the cost is low enough to actually make it worth it, imagine all the money you could use to invest and pour into something else that is changing lives, and impacting eternity. what would you sacrifice? reputation. pride perhaps. the "high life." maybe even in today's economy it wouldnt even be worth it, and just easier to get an apartment. but the humility that would come from giving up the rat race to be next door neighbors with the Jones' and freedom to cultivate the core essentials of simply loving, serving, showing grace, and watching miracles is pretty amazing.

i have no idea what Jesus has in mind for me, or you for that matter. but i do know that He is faithful to help us have "perspective checks" every now and then. sometimes to make sure we're really following Him if we claim to be.

i love our world. the micro and the macro. its all so fascinating. may we never stop learning and growing.

i dunno... this one's kinda nice... nice shade under the trees... :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


today is a beautiful day.

the clouds are larger than life, brimming, thick, and traveling in the way they're being led. the sky is a vibrant blue; the kind that shines even when the sun is hidden and buried deep inside the belly of a cloud.

its hard to think that this very morning, on this glorious endorphin-inspiring day, i drove to class, broken, tear-saturated and aching. the kind that makes you drive slower, lest you hit something or someone, squinting through the blur in your eyes. searching frantically for a tissue- anything- or in this case an old Wendy's napkin, you take a breathe and wipe the vulnerabilty from your face.

its the kind of day where you look to the clouds that remind you of the heavens. the place where your God lives. the place where you believe he talks to you. where you believe he loves you. where you believe that He desires you to lead you and take you on this amazing adventure. where miracles happen. and people who were in the pits of hell and dead are now radiating of love and life. you look into the clouds for hope. for inspiration. for validation.

but looking into the clouds this morning only lead to more heartache. yes, sometimes i look to Jesus and my heart hurts. in a place where i long to find comfort and validation for what my thoughts, desires, ideas, dreams, and life perceptions emulate, today i find denial. and its from that same Jesus that challenged me to dream. to open my heart to the possibilites of how a finite creature coupled with an infinite God could defy all realms of rational thought and theory, supernatural occurances and every form of impossiblility.

today i looked into his eyes and ached with the stubborn heart of a 3 year old who in her raw and honest form cried desperately for what she wanted and emotionally flailed at what she didn't want to do. somewhere along the way, probably in adopting the gospel of wishful thinking, i came to believe and even expect that if i lived my life for this Jesus, who gave his life for mine, i would at worst, maintain this pseudo spiritual feeling that wherever i understood my callling to lead me, there i would find unexpected grace and motivation, even in difficulty, to run the race paved for me. not so today. not so these past few weeks. i realized today that i am no greater than a 3 yr old throwing a temper tantrum before an infinite God who desires to give her the dreams of her heart, but not at the cost of his Divine purpose.

i felt God's chastizement today. as a creature whom i love more than anything else in this world, whom i've come to care for as deeply as a lover, He just simply looked at me. the enormity of the rich blue skies and daunting clouds demanded me to recall who i was. and who i'm not. i was struck with silence today. as a typically outgoing person, especially in such fertile and spiritually pleuralistic grounds as Montco- where shining for Jesus is so stinkin easy, i was drawn within myself. in the presence of my person, my coat, my coffee and the silence of astonishing humility where you know you just need to be quiet and listen. as a father disciplines his child.

and so i was. quiet. out of conviction. out of knowing better than to give my selfish injustices a voice and let them fester and draw deeper into a pit where only feelings like gluttony live. quiet. humbled. challenged. to choose the Divine purpose over mine. challenged to move by will and not emotion. challenged to lead a life where happiness is not a guarentee. where joy is a hope, but not an expectation. to live and move and operate in a frame of mind that completely existed for someOne else and not me.

am i learning obedience? am i learning what it means to follow through on following Jesus when he walks down a different path that exposes how stubborn and controlling i like to be? to admit to hating something and stick with it while he sits and waits. resignation to the Divine purpose. relinquishment to the unknown. sacrificing every deep desire for one sole purpose.

because He's worth it.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

ok, ok, i get it.

at the loving chastizement of dear friends, and the pitiful sighs from visiting this blog personally, i feel like it is time to open the lines of thought and words again. i thank these wonderful people very much for the love and encouragement of knowing that what i share matters- i hope they all know how much they matter to me. :)

i am thankful for the current mindfulness to blog, b/c i am in a moment of rest, of pause, between two hard semsesters in a nursing program. i'm proud of what i've accomplished and teeter-totter between an anxiousness and eagerness of this next semester. this summer was very difficult for a number of reasons. many of you know too well the difficulty in going to school full-time in the summer when the rest of the world, including your family and friends seem to be going on vacations, having fun, and not worrying about things like harming a fragile patient or trying to comprehend a new, foreign (medical) language. i've said that at times i feel like charlie when he enters the chocolate factory- completely overwhelmed by this new world he's in and trying to find his barings in it.

i can hardly believe that its september soon and that the year is 3/4 of the way finished. one of the highlights of this summer includes my amazing birthday. this consisted of skydiving for the first time, amazing japanese cuisine, girlie movie-ness, and spending a carefree (and apparently only day this summer) at the beach. here's some pics to enjoy.

hooray! :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

open handed

everyday we're asked to trust. trust in both things seen and unseen. the chair you sit in. the teller at the bank. the mechanic who fixed your car. or even the very God who holds your heartbeat in His hand. so often we find ourselves feeling violated in our trust, by others, ourselves or even God. and after being hurt by any of the previously listed, we have a choice to make. to keep on worrying and stressing over things we can barely control, or... to not. and give it up. trust. again.

i'm thankful today for friends who have beautiful gifts and abilities that speak to my soul. thanks, dan.

"Take my eyes take my mind it is of use to me no more
cause all I see and i find has left me somewhat less than sure.
And everyday it is the same, as I sit here and complain,
Runaway is all I ever do whenever I'm afraid;
Cannot deal with the consequences of decisions I have made.
I no longer want my choice, close my mouth and be my voice,
And sing for me, cause I've got nothing left to say.
I have found myself and I need somebody Else,
So take my eyes, take my mind it is of use to me no more.
Cause You are sight, and I am blind without You, weak and insecure
my mind's not easily renewed, so I guess it's up to You."
Up to You by Dan Harney

Saturday, March 29, 2008

in bloom

i think its funny sometimes how such simple things can bring people so much joy. for some, it can be a cup of coffee someone bought them and brought to work, or that song on the radio that you've been dying to hear but they never play.

for me, i actually find so much joy in the guest appearance of a certain plant around this time of year. i've always had an appreciation for the vast population of the O2 friendly bunch, but no plant has ever brought me joy the way that the dogwood tree has every year. i dont believe i've ever shared this with anyone, i think i truly realized it last year. they just make me so happy. in a way no plant ever has. ha :) pardon my childlike wonder at this discovery, but i've found it so hard to find real joy in the past few years. i'm thankful the gift of beautiful dogwoods to delight my soul!


eat, drink, and... rock out?!

so i know i like to tread in deep waters. (verbally, that is, i can't physically :P) but today i thought it'd be nice to leave the deep pools and splash in the kiddie section. that's where new and old friends, rock band, mmr, and a whole lotta musica come into the pic.

last night was a mix of rockin out at home and rockin out on the dance floor at the notorious Montana West. its the closest thing we have to a club in these parts and i hear so many stories from bikers and boozers to tearin up the dance floor and family line dances. nonetheless, i had the joy of hangin out with new friends and my faithful few while beltin out to the Killers in the comfort of my own home, and then hangin out with my love, my sis, and tryin to moonwalk across the floor which felt like a mix of gritty sandpaper and laffy taffy. ha!

here's some pics. i love these guys!

ens and kyle rockin out

brooke and esther up to no good ;)

new friends liz and amanda sharin more than a feeling...

kyle's first super sweet pimpin outfit :)

los tres = 1.5 asians

group hug
i have no idea...
ens and aarika
"when i was young, i totally wanted to be race jockey..."
the enses cuttin it up on the d. floor
good times. :)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

the green eyed... God?

I awoke this morning pondering thoughts on jealousy. Due to some recent events in my life, I have to confess that I've had to face the green-eyed creature more times than I'd anticipated. I've never struggled with jealousy before and am learning the value of honest, open, and persistent communication. But this got me thinking about the bugger, and if it can be both a good thing and/or a bad thing.

Jealousy is typically defined as a "jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself."

According to Wikipedia (the end-all and know-all :) ), it comes from the French word jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), and from the Greek word for "ardour, zeal". It also states that jealousy is difficult to define and is best described through circumstances which cause a concoction of complex emotions. Among these, two similar traits are found, apparently: possessiveness and fear of loss. (It's actually a quite interesting read.)

Even Solomon, whom knew all about jealousy in his harems, said that "A tranquil heart is the life of the flesh; but envy is the rotteness of the bones" and "Jealousy is cruel as the grave"
(Prov. 14:30 & SoS 8:6)

Herbert Lockyer said "it can transform a noble into a monster, and is no respector of persons. Yet this is the word God takes to Himself as a name - Jehovah, whose name is Jealous." (Ex 34:14) This particuliar name/title is used at least 6 or 7 other times in the Bible. So what does it mean? What's the difference?

Accordin to H. Lockyer, it does not bear the evil meaning, but rather, a righteous "zeal", Jehovah's zeal for His own name or glory. It lives in truth, purity, justice, righteousness, and holiness. It would make sense for God to be zealous of such a thing "lest the darkness should invade His light, or dim the glory and joy of His children." God is not insecure or fearful.

Rather, "His name is Jealous, because He is concerned for His redeemed people lest they forfeit glory and peace through forsaking Him." He's jealous for the sake of the ones He loves; that they would miss out on something amazing.

I believe that kind of jealousy is good and healthy. Based in extravagent love for another or oneself, and purified by God's righteousness.
Wisdom is key. Confession, repentence, and forgivenss is key.

May we look more like Him each day.

starve the dog

Now before all you dog lovers out there are ready to lynch me, hear me out...

I took a trip to Va to visit Lou and Tab a couple of weeks ago (mentioned in an earlier post). While I was gone, Jesus and I had some sweet talks about life. Amidst all our put togetherness we emulate in our society, there always drifts a current beneath the surface in each one of us. It's the darker less glamourous side of us that we'd rather not admit exists, and yet the irony is that we're all so common in our struggles that we might actually surprise each other.

While I'm aware that my own parents might be reading this blog, I'm still going to venture out and talk about lust. It's something that we all struggle with, whether it be sexual, pining after things or possessions, or wanting something or someone you are not intended to have. It has ruined many men, women, nations, relationships, lives, and the like. And yet, we still have a love/hate relationship with the thing and let it seed deeply into our selves and our lives.

I was recently awakened to the conviction that the germation of this lustful seed will actually be prohibitory and stunting in my ability to truly enjoy a healthy relationship with a boy of my liking and choosing. Instead of living in joy, freedom, and peace simply being with him, I would find myself enduring an internal spiritual battle of flesh-vs-spirit.

Paul, in Galatians 6: 16-17 talks about it like this...

"So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves. The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions."

Six summers ago I had to priviledge of leading two large groups of teens to Mexico for a week each. Both amazing, life changing trips for them and me; I'll never forget what my friend Kevin shared one evening atop a hill in Monterrey, Mexico. He said that these two parts of you fighting are like two dogs being trained for a dog fight. Whichever one you feed, you nuture, you train, you attend to, that's the dog that's gonna win. If you ignore, neglect, and starve one of the dogs, for certain, that one will lose. Miserably. Am I feeding the dog of my Spirit or the dog of my flesh?

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there." vs 24

I need to starve the dog of my flesh.

Why? Because "anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God. And the Spirit will not guide your lives." vs 16 & 21

it's about time!

So what do you get after going to to 3 years of community college while working and trying to figure out what to do with your life?? well... a transcript with a butt load of classes!

Luckily for me, those classes landed me a spot in Montgomery County CC's Nursing Program, one of the top nursing schools in the area. Very competitive. Very challenging. Very exciting.
A while ago I mentioned that Nursing was in fact my plan B, that my heart beats truly for ministry, loving people, and the arts. I can honestly say that this fact still rings true in my heart, but that God in His grace gives us the love and desires for the things he originally fit us for and calls us to do. Therefore, I'm pretty stoked to be a nurse!

I was giddy at orientation last Friday, and as long as my criminal record and drug check come out clear (cross the fingers!!!), I should be flyin in clear skies.
So cheers to scrubs, hemostats, stethoscopes, meds, patients, hospitals, labs, needles!, and a chance to make a difference in this world!

Monday, March 3, 2008

the real family

i'm not sure if its because i was raised in america, or because i was indoctrinated by television, or because all i seemed to find around me at times were the models of americana. mom. dad. 2.5 kids. dog. 2 cars. etc. i'm sure that makes up a great population of the world. our family comes close to it. mom. dad. 3 kids. two cats.

but as our lenses shift from looking at our lives through modernized, western-civilized eyes, to the questionable, yet clearer scope of celestial kingdom eyes, we're given the chance to see things differently. we find ourselves in the midst of such a broken world where people are ripping the honors given to them, rejecting the gifts bestowed to them, and caving in to demon fears that taunt and paralyze them. unfortunately this leads to broken songs, ruined masterpieces, and spoiled desserts that could've sounded so sweet, entranced the eye, or tantalized the taste buds. these spoils come in the form of broken relationships and broken families. fatherless children. but also the potential for something greater to write new songs, create new masterpieces, and fresh desserts.

this past weekend i spent time in Va with some of the coolest people on the planet. seriously. they've known me since i was 18, truly known me, and that's a big deal. they're my tribe. my family. my fellow journeyers. and i'm so blessed to know them. what i love the most about them is that they comprise of beautiful pieces from an interrupted song, placed lovingly together in a new one- and it rocks! Lou was raised by his grandparents in Mississippi when his parents were in no form to do so. Nok was orphaned for 5 years before God united him with his true family, an ocean away. And with Tabitha melodically placed, a new song was written in light of God's dream of what a family is. is family comprised of blood or a common love? racial lines or basic humanity? social status or kindness in the eyes?

yay for a God who makes beauty from ashes and a triple layer chocolate decadent cake from a few chocolate chips. and yay to the families who can enjoy the cake, a bite at a time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

school bus and trash trucks

So like every other American, this morning I found myself carried away in the worries and cares of a day unspent and enroute to my duties. Naturally, I left my house later than I had wanted, traffic was heavier than I expected, and I realized that I left my notes at home, that I needed to study, for a test I was taking in an hour. And then it happened.

Ten car back up. why? because of a large trash truck littered with men scrambling around it. perfect. to be expected, sure. but then a school zone... and lovely! stuck behind a schoolbus!

I'm sure you or someone you know has been in my situation. Where you start getting frustrated and feeling animosity for people you dont know, who are simply doing their job, b/c it conflicts with where you're going and when u want to get there.

I think it hit me when I was trackin behind the yellow roller itself. The continuation. the second verse. the echo. the call. to stop. simplify. why am in such a hurry? stop. enjoy this moment. its a gift. be patient. "but you dont know what i have to hurry to get to." it whispers, 'i do. it will still be there. but i have given you this moment. relax, and be still with me.'

so often i look ahead at the next step, the next ambition, the next level. and everytime i'm told to stop and sit down, i grow impatient, looking for an alternative. perfect example: when i was following the bus and being stirred in my heart with a sweet message, i was simultaneously looking down streets and alley ways to try and get around and away from this stupid bus! even when i knew the road i was suppose to be on, i was selfishly still looking around for an alternative. how fickle we creatures are.

i think God sends buses and trash trucks into our lives to stop us. on purpose. without apology. because we need it. we need the reminder to stop. to look at Him. to look around, at each other. to realize that life is not about us or our lives or our agendas. we need to stop and reflect, be thankful, and give back. love. we won't if we're too busy, too life-conjested, and too stuck looking at ourselves in the mirror.

thank God for school buses and trash trucks.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

a new thought

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. ~Hans Hofmann, Introduction to the Bootstrap, 1993

Sometimes in life, we're hit with simple messages that keep standing out to us; as if God means to put a red "will dissolve when u finally get it" stamp on our foreheads and back of our hands. In the past year my stamp is beginning to slightly fade so that the lower cased, italicized "simplify" is finally starting to sink in.

I was out to breakfast with an awesome friend this morning. We planned to meet at her house, and as I awkwardly peeked into her window to see if I had the right house, I concluded that her and her hubby were 1. either really clean or 2. I had the wrong house b/c it looked abandoned :) Actually, it was really clean and the epitame of what a house with beautifully simple ensemble can have.

Esther and I have had talks at nauseum about simplifying life. Cleaning and purging. Stopping and sitting. Saying no and relaxing. She's been such an inspiration to me. Ens too. I thank God so much for them. My over analytical mind cannot understand such simple concepts. My addiction to stress and "doing" has been assaulted by this imposter of simplicity, and its beautifully freeing. Even walking around grocery stores packed with uber-choices, viewing multitudes of excercise techniques, and falling victim to overstimulation in our consumer-driven culture, my spirit has been drawn to let everything fall and hold the simple, the basic, the necessary, and find rest leaving everything else behind. simply let it fall.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds... "

-Albert Einstein

Monday, February 4, 2008

go and sin no more...

my heart is wrestling with this phrase this morning...

in the story of John 8:1-11, Jesus dispels a group of religious leaders when they bring a woman caught in the act of adultery before him. we looked at this story as a church. there are so many perspectives we can glean from; the woman, the pharisees, the crowd, Jesus. this woman was caught in the midst of her sin. in the middle of her wrong doing, she was exposed for her sin against God, not her sin against any man or person.

i have many friends who live with their boyfriends. who have sex with their boyfriends. they commit sin everyday because they're not married and under Biblical Law, they are committing sexual sin. yet, in my own life, i've never once had sex and, granted, have struggled with this desire on my heart for over 10 years. in a moment of honesty, i confess that i have given into deep desires and lust over various guys over the years. sometimes its easy to not give in, and other times its debilitating not to. but heres the part that's hard to swallow... my lusting after each of them has placed me in bed with each of them, in God's eyes (Matt 5:28). in that sense, i might as well have slept with them physically. (man, now u tell me! jk) its all the same. Since my sin-offense is to God and no one else, i not only am i as literally guilty as all of my friends for all of the sin, but WORSE. i know (not just knowledge, but in conviction and revelation of the true and living God) the truth, and still i choose my sin. ouch.

so before the world goes on judging them, including myself, my God, how much worse off am i over them!

my heart breaks at my sin and my seeming inability to stop it. at times like today, i feel powerless and wrestle with phrases like "go and sin no more." can jesus really expect us to sin no more? isnt that impossible? what did he mean by that?

what happens after the story? i believe Jesus knew the woman and in turn, forgave her. what was the rest of her life like? how did she struggle? did she really sin no more? how did Jesus, God, approach her later?

if Jesus is the lamb sacrifice of all the world, can he really forgive all our sin, even those of us who know the truth and rebel against it? the obvious, biblical, answer is yes, but with your guilt glaring you in the face, its impossible to understand why...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Project Cold Update

Most of you already know the update on Project Cold: The Sleep Out, but for those of you who don't, here's the scoop!

Project Cold was a project laid on the heart of Stephen Santos and non-profit organization Watchman's Call to raise funds to purchase sleeping bags for the gypsie village of Danceau, Romania. In a land where the gypsies suffer endless persecution and poverty, as well as possess high rates of orphans, Steve got a vision to be Jesus with skin on to them, and meet thier felt/basic needs of warmth this winter.. The goal was to raise 200 sleeping bags.

As a simple and practical way to help and bless someone this past holiday season, the Lord laid on my heart to do a Sleep-Out, from 9pm on Dec 28th to 6am on Dec 29th to not only raise funds through support, but to also intercede for Romania and to know what these people experience every winter.

Amidst early on-set discouragement of feeling so alone, the Lord performed a miracle in raising over $1700 in pledges and donations, as well as banding together a group of crazy believers who camped out with me. it was a beautiful experience, extremely cold, wet, and exhausting. :) A storm blew through that night, which started when we did, and ended 2 hours short of our stop. Our goal of 87 sleeping bags was blown out of the water (no pun intended! ;) and we reached over 100 bags. Praise God!

Thanks again to everyone who participated, helped, encouraged, supported, prayed, and loved. It's always so awesome to be part of a miracle with friends and family!


beautiful sign made by brooke to let our neighbors know our cause

enormous 60 x 40 ft tarp to become our shelter! oh, and our back yard :)
jason being the master "tentmaker" ;P

jenna, tracy, and j going over our official "Romanian Rule Book"
Amanda, Ashley and I writing letters and coloring pics for the kids in Romania
Ash reading the Bible with the light of heaven illuminating ;) we had cool times of prayer for Romania

Ryan and Julia being "smart" inside :)
a lovely water drain right into our tent :)
amanda's pillow is one of many casualties of our stormy night
we all moved to the concrete b/c the other half of the tent was soaked! tryin to keep warm!
a group pic is on the left -> i love these people so much! :)