So like every other American, this morning I found myself carried away in the worries and cares of a day unspent and enroute to my duties. Naturally, I left my house later than I had wanted, traffic was heavier than I expected, and I realized that I left my notes at home, that I needed to study, for a test I was taking in an hour. And then it happened.
Ten car back up. why? because of a large trash truck littered with men scrambling around it. perfect. to be expected, sure. but then a school zone... and lovely! stuck behind a schoolbus!
I'm sure you or someone you know has been in my situation. Where you start getting frustrated and feeling animosity for people you dont know, who are simply doing their job, b/c it conflicts with where you're going and when u want to get there.
I think it hit me when I was trackin behind the yellow roller itself. The continuation. the second verse. the echo. the call. to stop. simplify. why am in such a hurry? stop. enjoy this moment. its a gift. be patient. "but you dont know what i have to hurry to get to." it whispers, 'i do. it will still be there. but i have given you this moment. relax, and be still with me.'
so often i look ahead at the next step, the next ambition, the next level. and everytime i'm told to stop and sit down, i grow impatient, looking for an alternative. perfect example: when i was following the bus and being stirred in my heart with a sweet message, i was simultaneously looking down streets and alley ways to try and get around and away from this stupid bus! even when i knew the road i was suppose to be on, i was selfishly still looking around for an alternative. how fickle we creatures are.
i think God sends buses and trash trucks into our lives to stop us. on purpose. without apology. because we need it. we need the reminder to stop. to look at Him. to look around, at each other. to realize that life is not about us or our lives or our agendas. we need to stop and reflect, be thankful, and give back. love. we won't if we're too busy, too life-conjested, and too stuck looking at ourselves in the mirror.
thank God for school buses and trash trucks.