Most of you already know the update on Project Cold: The Sleep Out, but for those of you who don't, here's the scoop!
Project Cold was a project laid on the heart of Stephen Santos and non-profit organization Watchman's Call to raise funds to purchase sleeping bags for the gypsie village of Danceau, Romania. In a land where the gypsies suffer endless persecution and poverty, as well as possess high rates of orphans, Steve got a vision to be Jesus with skin on to them, and meet thier felt/basic needs of warmth this winter.. The goal was to raise 200 sleeping bags.
As a simple and practical way to help and bless someone this past holiday season, the Lord laid on my heart to do a Sleep-Out, from 9pm on Dec 28th to 6am on Dec 29th to not only raise funds through support, but to also intercede for Romania and to know what these people experience every winter.
Amidst early on-set discouragement of feeling so alone, the Lord performed a miracle in raising over $1700 in pledges and donations, as well as banding together a group of crazy believers who camped out with me. it was a beautiful experience, extremely cold, wet, and exhausting. :) A storm blew through that night, which started when we did, and ended 2 hours short of our stop. Our goal of 87 sleeping bags was blown out of the water (no pun intended! ;) and we reached over 100 bags. Praise God!
Thanks again to everyone who participated, helped, encouraged, supported, prayed, and loved. It's always so awesome to be part of a miracle with friends and family!
Project Cold was a project laid on the heart of Stephen Santos and non-profit organization Watchman's Call to raise funds to purchase sleeping bags for the gypsie village of Danceau, Romania. In a land where the gypsies suffer endless persecution and poverty, as well as possess high rates of orphans, Steve got a vision to be Jesus with skin on to them, and meet thier felt/basic needs of warmth this winter.. The goal was to raise 200 sleeping bags.
As a simple and practical way to help and bless someone this past holiday season, the Lord laid on my heart to do a Sleep-Out, from 9pm on Dec 28th to 6am on Dec 29th to not only raise funds through support, but to also intercede for Romania and to know what these people experience every winter.
Amidst early on-set discouragement of feeling so alone, the Lord performed a miracle in raising over $1700 in pledges and donations, as well as banding together a group of crazy believers who camped out with me. it was a beautiful experience, extremely cold, wet, and exhausting. :) A storm blew through that night, which started when we did, and ended 2 hours short of our stop. Our goal of 87 sleeping bags was blown out of the water (no pun intended! ;) and we reached over 100 bags. Praise God!
Thanks again to everyone who participated, helped, encouraged, supported, prayed, and loved. It's always so awesome to be part of a miracle with friends and family!
beautiful sign made by brooke to let our neighbors know our cause
enormous 60 x 40 ft tarp to become our shelter! oh, and our back yard :)
jason being the master "tentmaker" ;P
jenna, tracy, and j going over our official "Romanian Rule Book"
Amanda, Ashley and I writing letters and coloring pics for the kids in Romania
Ash reading the Bible with the light of heaven illuminating ;) we had cool times of prayer for Romania
Ryan and Julia being "smart" inside :)
a lovely water drain right into our tent :)
amanda's pillow is one of many casualties of our stormy night
we all moved to the concrete b/c the other half of the tent was soaked! tryin to keep warm!
a group pic is on the left -> i love these people so much! :)